Greece Day 7 – on the road

Today was our first day of the road trip we’re taking around Greece. It definitely did not disappoint. We had a gorgeous day with chilly wind, but no rain – for which I am always grateful.

We started the day at a Monastery just outside of Greece. It dates back to the Byzantine period but has not been opened in some time due to damages from earthquakes. Looking up into the highest point of the chapel and seeing this massive icon of Jesus was a spiritual experience.

After the monastery, we saw the site of the temple of Artemis at Aulis. The site is not managed like the temple of Athena we went to a few days ago with an on site museum. In fact, if one were not looking for it, I’m sure it would be quite easy to overlook. It is surrounded by a chain link fence to avoid vandalism, but our professors knew where to find a hole in the fence so that we could get a closer look and a more interactive academic experience. I have to say, I did not imagine I would be climbing through a hole in a fence while in Greece, but it definitely was an adventure.

After the temple of Artemis at Aulis we headed to our final destination for the day: Chalkida. This small city is on the water and has a beautiful monument to the Greek Jews who lost their life during WWII.

The seaside view is beautiful and just beyond the waterline, there are snow capped mountains. It’s very picturesque. I love it.

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