Greece Day 3: The Acropolis!

Today we woke up to a rainy morning and headed out to the Acropolis museum. We arrived shortly before it opened, so the group enjoyed the enthusiastic bell ringing of a neighboring church, the noises of traffic, and the panoramic views that Athens has to offer at every location.

The acropolis museum is partially no photography, so I do not have any photos from the inside. The museum is pretty spectacular though. There are glass floors in places so that visitors can view the excavation site underneath the museum. And the architecture is reminiscent and reflective of the acropolis itself, which is pretty incredible.

After touring the museum, we headed up the hill as the sun peaked out from behind the cloud coverage and the rain ceased. I am always grateful when the rain stops, as marble is a huge part of construction here – including sidewalks – and is very slippery when it’s wet!

The view upon approaching the acropolis is pretty spectacular, but I will let you decide for yourself after looking at the photos.

Also, at this point in the trip, my friends and classmates are becoming more comfortable with asking me to take their picture, which I love.

We had some great laughs today, saw some very cute cats, and a gorgeous bird’s eye view of the city.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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